
Showing posts from December, 2018

Hit Location and Called Shots

Original creators of this tool Local Damage (D20 Modern Variant Rule) Local Damage This Variant Rule is designed for those of you who wish to have some additional realism in the D20 Modern system. It is based around adding logical effects to the location a character has been shot and having realistic results. It is useful for people who still wish to rely on mechanics in combat but want something where characters are not capable of taking more extremely high numbers of shots from high powered weapons before being killed. Another benefit of the system is it adds reason for characters to protect themselves in certain ways and to target others on the field in a more intelligent manner. Hit Location Body Hit Location To find the location of a shot that was not meant to target a specific location roll a d20. Match the result to the table here to see where on the opponent you have hit. Roll Location Hit 19-20 Head 14-18 Torso (See next chart.) 13 Right Hand 12 Left

Yggdrasil The Norse World Tree

The Nine Realms of Norse Yggdrasil


Bryn Level 1 Bryn is an NPC that people can play when they join the game randomly. She is an agent for the Konklave and lives in Ti Byer undercover as a high-status agent of the city. She spies for the Konklave to make sure the cities keep in line with their policies of balance.

Critical Fumble Chart

Critical Miss or Fumble Roll d20… 1 Your weapon takes critical damage making it potentially structurally un-sound. If you don’t repair it before your next critical miss or fumble, your weapon will break. Weapon user might suffer damage when weapon breaks. For magic spells To Hit, spell malfunctions and the result is damage to the caster or caster’s clothing or armor – DM can decide effects of the spell malfunction. A good rule of thumb is that the caster takes ¼ of the potential damage the spell would have done to the target. 2-4 Weapon is dropped in front of character in it’s a ranged weapon. Melee weapons that are swung might land d12 feet from character in direction of their swing. For magic spells To Hit, spell malfunctions and spell slot cast is lost – DM can decide effects of the spell malfunction. 5-8 Wild attack and miss! Your body is badly out of position because of your miss and any melee attackers in rang


Link to character sheet Level 1 Sigi is a member of the Konklave, wilderness survivalists who preserve the natural order while rooting out unnatural threats. Sigi is a tiefling druid hermit. She was rejected by her birth parents due to her demonic heritage. They saw it as a blight on their name. She was delivered to an agent of the Konklave a week after she was born. The Konklave adopted her and taught her their ways. She lived in seclusion, entirely alone for some time, after joining the Konklave. In her time apart from the clamor of society, she found quiet, solitude, and perhaps some of the answers she was looking for. In her seclusion, she discovered and researched an artifact of power. She found a gem of true seeing. Having it on her grants her the power of True Sight at will.


Link to character sheet level 1 Neco is a member of the Konklave, wilderness survivalists who preserve the natural order while rooting out unnatural threats. Neco is a forest gnome sorcerer. She showed her abilities at birth and has continued to get more practiced with them since joining the Konklave. She came from among the peasantry and was rejected by her birth family and village because of her draconic magic and its dangerous implications, but the druids who taught her revealed her birth is in accord with a prophecy spoken long ago by mysterious fey. People of The Konklave regard her as a blessed one with the skills to stand up to threats against The Konklave. Amongst the Konklave villagers, she can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate. They will shield her from anyone searching for her.


Link to character sheet Level 1 Vidaar is a member of the Konklave, wilderness survivalists who preserve the natural order while rooting out unnatural threats. Rejected by the city society because of his Dragonborn heritage, he found an agent of the Konklave in Ti Byer and joined up. He is a silver dragon Dragonborn and a barbarian to boot. He wears half plate and carries a long-handled greataxe. He grew up among tribal nomads, far from civilization and its comforts. He's hunted great herds, survived extreme weather, raided the trade of softer folk, and protected places sacred to his people. At times, he's enjoyed the solitude of being the only sentient creature for miles in any direction. Even in places where the terrain is new, he knows the ways of the wild. As a former barbarian nomad and raider, he has an excellent memory for maps and geography, and he can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around him. In addition, he can

Regional Map and Setting

Midgard North Central - Regional Area Map Translations Hov = Sea Fjellene = Mountains Dal = Valley Vei = Road Byer = Town(s) Skog = Forest Loc = Lake *Each square on the map is roughly 1 square mile The group of character is part of the Emerald Conclave (Smaragd Konklave), sworn to protect the land from invaders that would cause the land or it's people harm. They reside in a secret village called Hilldrstad which rests hidden away in the Skult Dal and at the top on a plateaued mountain of the Smaragd Fjellene. This gives them both secrecy and view of the surrounding area. The Smaragd Konklave has its roots in acceptance and organization of the unwanted of the land. Ironic how they now protect those that disregarded them. The Konklave is not affiliated with any of the city guards or involved in city politics or life. They recognize the organization of the cities as entities and sometimes work in conjunction with the cities to stop non-native, hostile species from e