Regional Map and Setting

Midgard North Central - Regional Area
Map Translations
Hov = Sea
Fjellene = Mountains
Dal = Valley
Vei = Road
Byer = Town(s)
Skog = Forest
Loc = Lake
*Each square on the map is roughly 1 square mile

The group of character is part of the Emerald Conclave (Smaragd Konklave), sworn to protect the land from invaders that would cause the land or it's people harm. They reside in a secret village called Hilldrstad which rests hidden away in the Skult Dal and at the top on a plateaued mountain of the Smaragd Fjellene. This gives them both secrecy and view of the surrounding area.

The Smaragd Konklave has its roots in acceptance and organization of the unwanted of the land. Ironic how they now protect those that disregarded them. The Konklave is not affiliated with any of the city guards or involved in city politics or life. They recognize the organization of the cities as entities and sometimes work in conjunction with the cities to stop non-native, hostile species from entering or causing trouble in the region. Otherwise, their mission is to maintain the balance and harmony of the regional area with regard to all the native species that call this region home. The group is militant and uses force where necessary. They have been successful in defending the region from an invading green dragon adult, various undead, invading orcs, trolls, goblins, and even highly complex drow elf undermining regional society.

Many city dwellers have heard of the Smaragd Konklave but do not know where Hilldrstad is or how to get there. Moreover, not knowing the route can prove treacherous. The Konklave has agents in all the cities that recruit the cities' unwanted. The Konklave also has "spies" undercover in each city's society to monitor the plans of the cities as it relates to maintaining the regional ecosystem and balance.

The Konklave is lead by Arvid - he is a very high-level Druid. Some of the village elders call him a demigod. Rumors of Arvid having direct communion with the land, animals, plants, and trees occasionally circulate amongst the population.

Arvid started the Konklave several millennia ago after the region became overrun with orcs, goblins, and undead. He maintains the Gods had lost the keys to the realms and foreign species from the other realms were coming to Midgard in droves.

The largest city in the region is called Ti Byer (Ten Towns) which sprang up several centuries ago due to its sea trade and safe harbor (Loc Orret) for large sea-worthy ships. It was originally ten separate tribes that grew, as their prosperity increased, into a large city. It organized itself and is ruled by a representative of each tribe. The city is roughly 5 miles by 3 miles in size and has all the makings of famous cities in D&D worlds like Luskan or Greyhawk.

Loc Orret is a huge lake. It is roughly 17x15 square miles of water and is so deep that no locals have ever been able to measure its depth. It is fed from the titanic glaciers to the north and ice caps from the Volknat Fjellene and the Smaragd Fjellene.

Much of the land outside of the cities is forest wilderness, mountainous, cold and hostile. While the roads are well traveled, getting off the beaten path for anyone not ready for beast attacks (dire wolves, snow tigers, yeti, and other wilderness beasts) can prove fatal. The lake hosts its own versions of attacking aquatic beasts as well. There are always bandit raids along the roads so merchants and travelers usually travel heavily armed or guarded. The average temperature of the region is 30 degrees Fahrenheit. It has 4 seasons and in summer the ice caps in the mountains nearly completely melt. Winter can bring lots of snow and temperatures inland plummeting to well below zero. Winter in the mountains is brutal where windchill can reach -40 to -60 degrees Fahrenheit. Some mountain passes are not passable in the winter months. The lake is large enough and gets some warm air currents from the sea that it never freezes. Fish trade is huge in the region and the knucklehead trout is a commodity that is even exported out of the region via both road travel and sea travel. Desired imports into the region are fruits and vegetables.  Some fruits are only affordable by the rich nobles of the cities and are somewhat rare.


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