Militant Druids of the Konklave

Arvid asked the players to go out on their first investigation. He wanted them to check out a goblin raiding band that had entered the area and had been raiding merchant caravans on the road to Ti Byer (Fjellpass Vei). Bryn, Sigi, Neco, and Vidaar left at nightfall to investigate the group.

Upon entering the area where one of the goblin groups might be camped, they encountered a heard of elk. Vidaar, the hunter for the group, was just about to try to down an elk when the heard was spooked by a group of goblins hunting the heard. Vidaar was almost caught in the resulting stampede. Bryn and Sigi were safely behind a massive tree. Neco cast Expeditious Retreat on Vidaar and they both made it behind similar trees.

Sigi and Bryn engaged the goblins after they started shooting their short bows at Vidaar. The group finished off the goblins fairly easily recalling on all the training Arvid and the others had given them concerning these creatures - common invaders of the region.

They marched through the night coming up on a goblin camp just before dawn. 4 goblins lie sleeping at the camp. One of them was far better armored than the rest. Bryn and Sigi snuck up and slit the throats of 2 of the goblins while they slept. In the process of killing the remaining two, Sigi was successful and Bryn managed to accidentally wake the goblin leader. Combat ensued and the group had never encountered such a tough goblin as this.

After finishing the goblin leader, Bryn found a note written in goblin on the leader, amongst another treasure from the group. Sigi was able to read the note with her artifact, the Gem fo True Seeing, which allowed her to comprehend the language. It told them of a gnoll chieftain named Sabertooth and where to find him. The instructions were to report back to Sabertooth on your progress in the morning. Vidaar also found a bag which Sigi identified as a bag of holding...

The group, although wiery and tired, pushed on through dawn and made it the remaining three miles to Sabertooth's cave which was guarded by 4 gnolls.
Bryn and Sigi snuck up on the guards but while Sigi was sneaking up she noticed a gnoll archer on the top of the cave entrance ledge. She decided to try to take him. Neco went in to take the entrance guard that Sigi passed on for the top guard, while Vidaar kept his loud steps hidden behind a large rock outcropping. While sneaking in, Neco, stepped on a stick and alerted the guards to her presence. One of the gnolls rushed to engage her but was cut short by the thunderous sprint of Vidaar. Vidaar was then flanked by 2 gnolls and while he cut them down hard, they pierced his scales with spears repeatedly. Bryn dispatched hers after a few rounds fo melee and then had some trouble with her crossbow trying to shoot at Sigi's gnoll up on the ledge. Sigi changed into a panther and kept grinding on her archer gnoll almost making it trip off the ledge several times. Neco shot rays of frost at every gnoll she could reach. She stayed at distance just long enough for Vidaar to bloody the 2 gnolls he was in melee with. Then Bryn confronted one on the north of Vidaar while Neco engaged the one to the south of him. The 3 made quick work of the wounded and worn gnolls. Vidaar was in pretty bad shape from the skirmish. However, he saw that Sigi was in trouble handling the gnoll archer and dashed toward the ledge approach. As Viddar engaged the gnoll, Sigi took her panther claw and dug in deep to the gnolls belly spilling his guts all over the ground. He died and rolled all the way down the side of the ledge and dropped right in front of the cave entrance with a big thud. Luckily no one inside heard it or if they did, they were coming out to investigate.

After the fight, the group realized they wouldn't make another fight without taking a long rest so Sigi had an idea to hide the gnoll corpses so the ones in the cave might assume they wandered off. Vidaar stuffed them into his bag of holding and Sigi took a gnoll longbow to use at extreme ranges. The group bedded down at mid-day for a nice long rest, three miles away from Sabertooth's cave...


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